Our Frequently Asked Questions

1How does hypnotherapy work?

It is a common misconception that hypnosis is some kind of ‘mind control’. You are made to sleep and have your mind tampered with. This is not the case at all.

A state of hypnosis is simply a very relaxed state. Not even as deep as sleeping! In fact, you are still conscious the whole time you are under hypnosis. You can hear, you can understand, you are aware and you can make choices. It has even been proven that your senses are heightened and your reactions time (if necessary) can be even faster than when you are in a conscious state!

When you are in this relaxed state, it switches off your conscious mind and lets your subconscious mind take charge. Your subconscious is the part of your mind that does things for you that you don’t have to think about – like keep breathing when you are sleeping or putting one foot in front of the other to walk.

During hypnotherapy, we can give the subconscious mind suggestions that have a physical impact on the body and can change unhelpful behaviours, thoughts or feelings without the conscious mind getting in the way!

In terms of fertility, this can mean reducing the physical impacts of stress on your reproductive system, can reduce blood pressure, it has even been found to decrease symptoms of endometriosis, regulate menstrual cycles, improve sperm quality and increase chances of pregnancy!

2What does the research say?

It has always been understood that there is a strong link between the mind and body but recent research has begun to look at the power of this in many different ways to gain further scientific insight and measure exactly how much impact it has.

Here are some of the findings:

Women who were stressed produced 20% fewer eggs during a cycle than women who were not experiencing symptoms of stress (University of California 2005)

Women who were the most stressed were 20% less likely to achieve fertilisation success (University of California 2005)

A group of women aged between 26-42 who struggled with infertility for between 2-12 years underwent hypnotherapy, following which 65% of them went on to have successful full-term pregnancy (European Journal of clinical hypnosis, Vol 4, 1994)

A study in 1998 concluded that as mind-body programs are effective at reducing negative emotions that may impair IVF success, patients undergoing IVF should be offered such a program (fertility and Sterility Journal, Vol 69, 1998)

A study found that the use of hypnosis during embryo transfer may significantly improve the cycle outcome in terms of increased implantation and pregnancy rates from around 14% to 28%

Use of stress reducing therapies early in the process increase IVF success rates (in this study from 20% to 52%). Fertility and Sterility, 2011

3How can stress affect my fertility?

There is lots of evidence and research on the physical impact of stress on the body and the long term health implications of stress. This includes fertility.

When we create stress, our body pumps us with hormones that prepare us or fight or flight mode (something that is not often needed in today’s society, but our brain doesn’t know that!). Theses hormones restrict blood to the areas that are not needed to fight or run and this includes our reproductive organs. This impacts egg quality and quantity, the regularity of our cycles, sperm quality and quantity, sexual desire which in turn create greater stress and decrease the chance of conception or successful fertility treatment.

The problem when it comes to trying for a baby is that it can quickly become a stressful event in itself and therefore becomes a perpetuating problem. Trying to get pregnant builds on the stress already there from not being pregnant the month before.

In fact, studies have shown that women who are stressed ovulated 20% fewer eggs and were also 20% less likely to achieve fertilisation success.

But those who undertook hypnotherapy or another form of psychological support for their stress were around 28% -50% more likely to conceive than those that didn’t.

4What is hypnobirthing and who is it for?

Hypnobirthing is a technique that is becoming increasingly popular in helping and empowering women during labour.

It is a widely used and popular technique that has been proven to lower the chances of complications, the need for medical interventions and lower the need for pain relief.

It teaches a woman and her birthing partner (if she wishes) a wide range of knowledge, tools and resources to make her feel calmer, more relaxed and in control when it comes to giving birth including breathing and relaxation methods.

By practising these techniques and gaining a deeper understanding how mind, body and baby work together hypnobirthing can help you prepare your mind for a positive, in control birth experience.

It is suitable for women who are 25 weeks onwards and can be completed as a group course, online or one to one with a final session at the end of your pregnancy.

5How can hypnosis work following a pregnancy loss?

Losing a baby at any stage can be absolutely devasting and the idea of trying again can create fear, anxiety, worry and even more stress.

  • Whether you are looking for emotional support following a loss.
  • Looking for a way to move forward so that you can prepare to try again.
  • Or whether you are gearing up to try fertility treatment again after a loss.

Hypnosis can be of great benefit.

We spend time looking at unhelpful beliefs and fears that may have developed because of your losses and try work to break unhelpful thinking and beliefs that are blocking your way.

We work on building self esteem and confidence in you so that you can continue to find the positive reasons to move forward whatever you decide to do next.

We look at what you can do to improve your chances of success and how you develop the mind-body connection to be psychologically and physically prepared for the next stage of your journey.